About Us

The Four Principles
The I-Collective stands for four principles: Indigenous, Inspired, Innovative, and Independent. An autonomous group of Indigenous chefs, activists, herbalists, seed, and knowledge keepers, the I-Collective strives to open a dialogue and create a new narrative that highlights not only historical Indigenous contributions, but also promotes our community's resilience and innovations in gastronomy, agriculture, the arts, and society at large.

Indigenous Food Sovereignty
Indigenous food sovereignty is critical because many health issues are tied to colonialism and the exploitation of resources and people. Food in the most intimate connection to ourselves, our ancestors, our communities, but most importantly, to our future generations. Our vision is to increase visibility; own our foods and culture; promote Indigenous ingredients and histories in our modern world. We will strengthen intertribal relationships with food, agriculture, and technology as key components in the movement to revise Thanksgiving in the American imagination and present a more truthful history.

Our Work
Our work is guided by Indigenous values that prioritize balance and reciprocity for all living things. Thank you for your support of this innovative work. Together, let's celebrate a new narrative with an Indigenous framework: collective promotion of a healthy food system that values people, traditional knowledge, and the planet over profit.
Ways to get involved ➝

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